Thursday, October 8, 2009


Hi everyone - I have been out of touch here for a while - among other things - when did we lose the regular ebay blog section?

Orignal From: Blogs

Buyer cannot pay

Hi I have a buyer that says he cannot pay he gets a message item is either already paid for or no longer availiable or to old Error code # 50006 this is a new one for me how do I find out about this error code I would appricate any help or advice Thanks

Orignal From: Buyer cannot pay

Did you hear the one about paypal holding *your* funds for 21 days?

Link This could (and knowing ebay, will) apply to anything you're selling. THEY would much rather collect the interest for thrre weeks on YOUR money, it has NOTHING to do with security or buyer satisfaction or seller performance... it's about $$$, as ebay always is now. Absolutely insane.... the madness is completely out of control. So, so sad to see them go in this direction after 10 years.

Orignal From: Did you hear the one about paypal holding *your* funds for 21 days?


Well folks , I knew it , and I know you all did , this ebay feedback ruling sucks , and has left us all out in the open , and a lot of sellers are leaving because of it . After 583 perfect transactions , I have my first mental case buyer . Guess what ? the very first thing out of this guys mouth was demands , and a reminder of the new ebay rules on feedback . So he simply lied about the condition of the goods , I have my very first negitive feedbck , a dispute , my first filed against me with pay pal . It seems this does not matter to ebay security , or Pay Pal for that matter . We are going to start getting a fllod of these new buyers who can make demands , threats , and hurt established seller , because there is now no recourse against them . With ebays fees , this rediculious feedback rule , and pay pal increases , ebay is no loner fun , and certinally not profitable . Wonder if Ebay knows how many seller will leave now , remember no established seller , no trusted buyers .


Obama states

What the?? Link Would this get more news coverage if Bush, a conservative, or Republican said this??================== "Don't Neg. me bro!!"

Orignal From: Obama states

Why does it take so long to pay for an item???????????

it used to be instantlly when using paypal, now it takes about 5 days! why does paypal suck now?!!!!?

Orignal From: Why does it take so long to pay for an item???????????

Why nail fungus should be treated with care?

1. Nail fungus is extremely contagious. Therefore, it can spread and contaminate your other nails which are currently still healthy. On top of that, if you share a nail clipper, a nail file or any other tool or item that touches your infected nail, others that live with you are at a very high risk for contracting the disease. 2. Nail fungus can cause your nails to become embedded into the surrounding skin. If this happens, major, painful surgery is necessary to restore the affected nail. 3. The Nail fungus can cause a nail to decay and fall off. This causes the sensitive tissue underneath to be exposed and will usually cause tremendous pain. Knowing this it

Orignal From: Why nail fungus should be treated with care?

Tater tots

mmmmm....I am eating tater tots right now as I read this board. I have a big old plate full with a pile of ketchup next to them. Right now...I am putting one in my mouth right now...yummy. I haven't had tater tots in years. I forgot how good they are. I am a vegan, so I don't get to eat alot of garbage. I am sorry if this post has nothing to do with anything, but man, I really, really, like tater tots.

Orignal From: Tater tots

A pleasant good morning from 'the porch'

Hope everyone has an enjoyable day. "> ">

Orignal From: A pleasant good morning from 'the porch'

PLEASE sign and pass along - Only TWO days left to Stand up! Know the facts

Dear All: In case those of you who oppose the government takeover of our health care system as strongly as I do have not yet added your name to the 1.2 million or more signers on the attached petition, I am providing the link below: Link. This petition will be delivered to Washington DC on Wednesday at 2 PM Eastern time. I think it has already broken the record for the largest petition in history. There are many wonderful ideas for health care reform and many logical and practical objections to Obama-care. For ideas and talking points that don't get aired on the networks, which in many cases prefer to air pundits and Democratic leaders unsupported assertions that Conservatives and Republicans (two distinctly different groups) are only obstructing "progress" and offering no ideas of their own, these are two links to think tanks with a wealth of information: Link Link It has been a great pleasure to watch the citizens of our country rally against this 1000 page health care albatross that would have added trillions to the deficit and handed management of our health care system over to the same government (Republicans and Democrats alike) that has taken Social Security and Medicaire to the brink of bankruptcy. Anyone who wonders what agenda motivates President Obama need only look at the people he learned from, hung out with in the years before he came under public and (especially) presidential candidate scrutiny, and is now surrounding himself with including the dozens of czars to whom he is giving a powerful forum. Van Jones (good riddance) is but the tip of that iceberg. I wrote the night of the election that, in effect, I was proud that we had elected a black president and that I would give my new president time to demonstrate that his would be the most open administration in history as he said and that he is not the recently-closeted radical that my scrutiny of his history and words indicated to me he was likely to be. Time's up. His is not an open administration. Major bills, such as the 768 billion dollar stimulus plan rammed through in days, are not being posted on the Internet for citizen review and comment prior to (in this case 3 AM) votes as promised. (The excuse/promise made by the president on this bill was that, without its immediate passage, unemployment would rise to 10%. With it, unemployment would not rise above 8%. Anybody check unemployment numbers lately?). President Obama has spent over 1.5 million dollars in legal fees to block the release of his own school, health, passport and birth records. Certainly not an example of openness,and contrary to the pattern and practice of prior presidents and candidates. Of course, far more important than another broken campaign promise is the question of why. I could go on about openness.... President Obama is not being honest about his agenda on health care. He made quite clear in a (2005?) interview that he is a supporter of single-payer (meaning government-run) health care but stated even then that we could not get there directly, we would have to get there in steps over time. Why is he not admitting where he would really like to go? Because he knows that only the radical left would follow him there and there are not enough of them to keep him in power. I could also go on about radical agendas and the radical people the president is placing in positions of power. I could write all day about the damage already done by creating more future debt in the first six months of the Obama presidency than all prior presidents combined. But, today's hot topic was health care and the petition going in on Wednesday. Sorry for any digression. I wonder how much coverage, if any, will be provided on the networks regarding the petition on Wednesday prior to the president's health care speech to Congress on Wednesday night? Please sign and pass along if you agree that the current path for health care reform is the wrong one. By my daughter, who aspires to be a photograher!

Orignal From: PLEASE sign and pass along - Only TWO days left to Stand up! Know the facts

Dead Beat Sellers / Bidders

Where you can discuss about dead beat sellers / bidders

Orignal From: Dead Beat Sellers / Bidders

Worried About Ebay's Future

I have bought and even sold some over the last few years so I believe I can speak with some authority. Ebay use to be a great bargain, especially for buyers. I no longer think that. There has been a steady price creep to the point where I want to buy be now just watch the item and never follow through with a sale. Often I have to ask myself if I can get the product cheaper locally. That coupled with high shipping cost is really hurt all concerned. I mainly shop for jeans, belts, boots etc. and the cost are as high or higher than my local thrift store that is booming. My wife still finds good buys in children's clothing but good categories are hard to find. I don't know what Ebay can do about it except perhaps set up express sites where sellers just want to get rid for something and are not trying to make a living from it. I don't see how this would be fair to the seller communities as a whole though. Just my two cents.

Orignal From: Worried About Ebay's Future

Looking for a Worship Song Title containing

I am looking for the title to a worship song of which I can only remember 2 lines: I want to be like John and lay my head upon his heart...I want to be like Mary and Seek the Better Part. Can anyone help? Thank you.Carpe Diem: Seize the Day!

Orignal From: Looking for a Worship Song Title containing

New in need of help

Hi all, Is there a way I can change my ebay account name? I was trying over and over again to get a little toni name and they were all taken so I popped littlehottoni in and it took it, now I am thinking how that makes me sound all stuck on myself and I am just not that way. I s I should have taken littletoni123456. Thanks all, LTG

Orignal From: New in need of help

Where have all the sellers gone?

Hi Folks. I've been selling on eBay for 10 years, but it's just in this past year that I've been actively and aggressively buying, both scientific and surveying equipment. Things were clipping right along until about a month ago. Then, suddenly, the categories in which I buy (laboratory and surveying equipment) dried up. Where there used to be a dozen or more listings, now there are just 2 or 3, and I haven't made a single purchase in 4 weeks. My question is, why have the sellers in my categories stopped selling? Is there something going on with eBay? Are the sellers leaving eBay for another auction site? Are they holding their wares off eBay until the economy improves? Or is this just a seasonal thing? Is selling always slow in August, and if so, when does it typically pick up again?

Orignal From: Where have all the sellers gone?


What the heck does "Emo" stand for? Tigerroy88

Orignal From: Emo?

Buyers not paying for their items increasing

The number of buyers not paying for their items is climbing weekly. I am almost ready to check on my auctions immediate payment only. People just aren't paying.

Orignal From: Buyers not paying for their items increasing

Nicatrol 2

Looks like we lost our Nicotrol thread. So what do you say we start a new list. Anyone trying to stop the nasty smoking habit please check in. Also looking for all our old friends.... . .

Orignal From: Nicatrol 2

ebay buying suggestions

I do not know who is the bright light at Ebay that immagine that one if you buy a toaster for a couples of days they show you when you open Ebay toaster, I bought one I do not need to see toaster or nailer or any other items I just bought as a suggestion to buy. This is completely stupid if I already bought I do not need to buy anymore. At least they should suggest thing that complement your purchase ex: you buy an air nailer they could suggest brads, you buy pots and pan they could suggest knives . I do not know if anyone at Ebay read these if they do hopefully they will remove the stupid suggestions.

Orignal From: ebay buying suggestions

is it true that obama's health care plan will kill my grandma and

make me pay for mexican drug lord's health care?

Orignal From: is it true that obama's health care plan will kill my grandma and