Thursday, October 8, 2009

PLEASE sign and pass along - Only TWO days left to Stand up! Know the facts

Dear All: In case those of you who oppose the government takeover of our health care system as strongly as I do have not yet added your name to the 1.2 million or more signers on the attached petition, I am providing the link below: Link. This petition will be delivered to Washington DC on Wednesday at 2 PM Eastern time. I think it has already broken the record for the largest petition in history. There are many wonderful ideas for health care reform and many logical and practical objections to Obama-care. For ideas and talking points that don't get aired on the networks, which in many cases prefer to air pundits and Democratic leaders unsupported assertions that Conservatives and Republicans (two distinctly different groups) are only obstructing "progress" and offering no ideas of their own, these are two links to think tanks with a wealth of information: Link Link It has been a great pleasure to watch the citizens of our country rally against this 1000 page health care albatross that would have added trillions to the deficit and handed management of our health care system over to the same government (Republicans and Democrats alike) that has taken Social Security and Medicaire to the brink of bankruptcy. Anyone who wonders what agenda motivates President Obama need only look at the people he learned from, hung out with in the years before he came under public and (especially) presidential candidate scrutiny, and is now surrounding himself with including the dozens of czars to whom he is giving a powerful forum. Van Jones (good riddance) is but the tip of that iceberg. I wrote the night of the election that, in effect, I was proud that we had elected a black president and that I would give my new president time to demonstrate that his would be the most open administration in history as he said and that he is not the recently-closeted radical that my scrutiny of his history and words indicated to me he was likely to be. Time's up. His is not an open administration. Major bills, such as the 768 billion dollar stimulus plan rammed through in days, are not being posted on the Internet for citizen review and comment prior to (in this case 3 AM) votes as promised. (The excuse/promise made by the president on this bill was that, without its immediate passage, unemployment would rise to 10%. With it, unemployment would not rise above 8%. Anybody check unemployment numbers lately?). President Obama has spent over 1.5 million dollars in legal fees to block the release of his own school, health, passport and birth records. Certainly not an example of openness,and contrary to the pattern and practice of prior presidents and candidates. Of course, far more important than another broken campaign promise is the question of why. I could go on about openness.... President Obama is not being honest about his agenda on health care. He made quite clear in a (2005?) interview that he is a supporter of single-payer (meaning government-run) health care but stated even then that we could not get there directly, we would have to get there in steps over time. Why is he not admitting where he would really like to go? Because he knows that only the radical left would follow him there and there are not enough of them to keep him in power. I could also go on about radical agendas and the radical people the president is placing in positions of power. I could write all day about the damage already done by creating more future debt in the first six months of the Obama presidency than all prior presidents combined. But, today's hot topic was health care and the petition going in on Wednesday. Sorry for any digression. I wonder how much coverage, if any, will be provided on the networks regarding the petition on Wednesday prior to the president's health care speech to Congress on Wednesday night? Please sign and pass along if you agree that the current path for health care reform is the wrong one. By my daughter, who aspires to be a photograher!

Orignal From: PLEASE sign and pass along - Only TWO days left to Stand up! Know the facts

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