Sunday, August 2, 2009

Another tragic accident caused by a drunk driver...

This happened here on our island yesterday evening, and I'm still shaken by it. Young german tourist (20y/o) drunken as youknowwhat, killed a 17y/o girl. He and a friend were driving on one of the main-roads, when he lost control over his car and smashed into a girl that was riding her bike on the bikepath next to the road. She was catapulted 10 meters further and died shortly afterwards. Her friend who was with her, was only slightly hurt and is still in shock. Drunk driver just drives away, but didn't knew that he was in a dead-end road, so he turned at the end and drove by the accident-location again, trying to override eyewitnesses who tried to stop him. Eventually, the cops caught him a few miles further. He had 6 times more alcohol in his blood than allowed by law!!! And not a single bruise. The girl had a summer-job here on the island in one of the beach-pavillions - my heart goes out to her family and friends... A friend of us drove by the accident-scene shortly after it happened - terrible sight. They still tried to reanimate that girl, a trauma-heli was there, too - but she didn't have a chance. Just had to get this one off my chest... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Who peed in your Cheerios?

Orignal From: Another tragic accident caused by a drunk driver...

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