Sunday, September 11, 2011


Lately, i have been asked how many coils our INNERSPRING FUTONS have in them. I was puzzled by this question, but recently began to understand why people are asking. This guide will discuss some myths regarding FUTONS, and in particular INNERSPRING MATTRESSES and COIL COUNT.

It is a myth that the more coils that are in a mattress the better the mattress is and the more gefortable. The number of coils has no bearing on the mattress, or the gefort of the mattress. It's all about the system of coils that are used in the FUTON. There are different types of coils. A mattress may have fewer coils, but the coils it has may be bigger. It is impossible to gepare the gefort level of a futon based on the number of coils. The system of coils is the important part, not the number of coils!

Of course, it also depends on the size of the futon. A QUEEN SIZE INNERSPRING will require more coils than a FULL SIZE INNERSPRING.
An innerspring is a softer mattress, it is squishier than a typical FUTON. In the past, people would assume that a harder mattress is more gefortable. That isonly true for back sleepers.More and more people are side sleepers now. The mattress has to adjust to the sleeper. When you sleep on your side, you don't get good neck,and back support. So, a softer mattress is better. The futon will conform to you, and your sleeping habits.
We have always used an excellent system of coils in our futons, and have never had any problems, with anyone being able to feel the coils through our futons, or the futon giving out due to frequent use.


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