Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Projector Brand Selection and Warranty Considerations

When choosing which brand of multimedia projectorto purchase one of the important considerations is the warranty offered by the individual manufacturers. Each brand will offer varying terms of the warranty. Here are the most gemon offering to look for when selecting your projector brand.
Warranty Considerations
Repair or Replace Warranty-This is one of the best warranties and is offered by several manufacturers. Simply put, if your LCD or DLP projector is not working, an A/V technician will try to offer a solution or repair the projector over the phone. Once the audio-visual technician determines what needs to be done, the technician will gee to your business or home to fix it. If the technician cannot fix the projector, the manufacturer will replace the projector with a new one.
Return to Base Warranty-This type of projector warranty is the most basic warranty sa well as the most gemon. The way it works is if the data projector is not working, you have to pack it up and return it to the manufacturer. The manufacturer will repair the data projector and send it back to you. The average repair time is 2-3 weeks. You could be looking at a longer wait because the repair parts might be on backorder.
Swap-Out Warranty-The Swap-Out Warranty is probably the best type of projector warranty, but is rare. With this warranty, if your digital projector is in need of repair, a technician will first determine the problem over the phone. Next, you can send the digital projectorto the manufacturer to fix and at the same time, they will send you a loaner projector to use while yours is being repaired. You usually receive the loaner projector the next business day. The loaner projector is typically a used projector, but it will work well until you get your projector repaired. Obviously, once you get your original digital projector back from the manufacturer, you are responsible for returning the loaner projector.
Dead on Arrival Warranty-Several projector manufacturers offer a projector warranty protecting you if you plug in your new multimedia projectorand it does not work. Purchasing a projector that doesn't work when you get it is rare, but it does occasionally happen. With the Dead On Arrival Warranty, you simply return the non-working projector and the manufacturer will rush another new model multimedia projector to you.
Projector Lamp Warranty- Lamp warranties range from 30 days to 6 months. If you are putting your digital projector into a rigorous enviroment, it may be worthwhile to find a projector with a better projector lampwarranty. Some very inexpensive projectorsgee with lamp warranties that can be as little as 30 days. Look at this carefully when choosing a digital projector, because the immediate savings may result in a hefty repair cost down the road.
Please read our other guides including our Why Choose LCD, DLP, or LCOS Technology:
And Brightness (Lumens) and Weight considerations when choosing your projector:

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