Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Wild Coyote Gourd Lover's Guide

If you like to work with your hands, the Wild Coyote Gourd is what you are looking for. You can find the type of gourd that is right for your project right here on okay. There are many people that enjoy selling the gourds so others can enjoy the craft. Others like to sale their gourds already decorated. There are those who raise the gourds to sale and to work with. No matter the reasonthere is asupply of gourds to be found right here on okay. There are many different types of gourds. They gee in different shapes an sizes for anytype of creationyou are wanting..

If you had rather go out and find your own coyote gourds you can find them in the ditches on the sides of the roads or on farms growing wild. If you get lucky you can find a large patch. But this is hard to do since farmers try and kill out the gourds so they can grow their crops.
To start working on your gourds you start with scrubbing them. Put a few of your gourds in warm dish soap with a small amount of bleach. Let the gourds soak for about 30 minutes. On the soft shell coyote gourds use a scotch heavy duty scouring pad, on the hard shell gourds you will need to use a steel pad to scrub off the outer skin of the gourds. What the pad won't take off use a small knife and scrape off. But you have to be very careful doing this so you won't cut or poke a hole in the gourd. But if you do poke a hole in your gourd you can fill it in with wood filler let it set then use a fine sand paper and sand the spot. After scrubbing your gourds they need to dry for approximately 24 hours before working on them.Next it is time to draw the pattern on the gourd with a pencil pressing very lightly. Then you burn the pattern into the gourd with a wood burner. After burning the gourd erase any pencil marks that are left. It is time to stain or paint the gourd. After staining let the gourd set for 24 hours. If you want to hang your gourd you can drill a small hole in the top and apply your yarn or string with super glue. Let this set and then you can spray your ornament with spar urethane to seal it. I hope you enjoy working with these gourds as much as I do. Happy hunting.

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