Until recently, I have felt safe and comfortable buying on ebay. Sadly, dishonest sellers are finding devious ways to steal thereby fouling the integrity of ebay. I recently purchased items from 2 different power sellers, paid immediately for PRIORITY shipping (There was no other shipping choice, by the way.), and received the items almost 2 weeks later by cheaper shipping methods. So, the sellers each did not honor their listed mode of shipping, thus pocketing the difference. That is stealing. Color it any way you want. It's still stealing. Also, neither seller responded to multiple emails to resolve the issues. To add insult to injury, PAYPAL did not protect me from the thefts when I filed complaints. . Both sellers received negative feedback - the first I've ever felt compelled to leave.(I have always paid immediately afterward and have excellent feedback.) And, since I have found that sellers can actually STEAL from their buyers who are paying in good faith for the shipping methods they are charged for, I urge all buyers to BEWARE and use caution. But, more importantly, fight this thievery(because that is exactly what it is) with all you have available to you. Don't be afraid to give bad feedback, not just neutral feedback if this happens. Ignoring this (small?)problem sends a clear message to dishonest sellers that they can continue to steal (yes, steal!) from buyers with no fear of retribution or punishment. I wish all buyers and sellers continued success on ebay!
Orignal From: Paypal- Permitted Thievery
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